[INDOLOGY] New Explorations in South Asia Research (NESAR): An open-access journal of South Asian Studies

Andrew Ollett andrew.ollett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 23:38:46 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to let you know of the "soft launch" of a new open-access
journal. It is called NESAR (from ನೇಸಱ್, a Kannada word meaning "sun") and
stands for *New Explorations in South Asia Research*. We are still working
hard on the first issue, which will come out early next year, and there are
a few features of the website that will be rolled out soon. But in the
meantime — and especially in advance of this year's Annual Conference on
South Asia at Madison — I wanted to let everyone know of its existence and
encourage you and your colleagues to think about NESAR as a possible venue
for your work in the future. Here is the journal website:


And here is a short article describing the new journal, its motivation, and
the principles guiding it:


If you have questions or comments, please feel free to write to me, or
write to the journal at nesar at nesarjournal.org. With all best wishes,
including for a freer and more accessible future,

Andrew Ollett
University of Chicago
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