[INDOLOGY] YogVashishthaSara

Walter Slaje walter.slaje at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 07:30:22 UTC 2022

 There are two articles of comparatively recent origin which deal with this
subject in desirable detail:

1) Stinner, Susanne: *Sāra*s, *Saṃgraha*s und '*Laghu*s': Kurzfassungen des
Mokṣopāya, in: The Mokṣopāya, Yogavāsiṣṭha and related texts: (based on
revised versions of lectures delivered at the "Mokṣopāya Panel" held at the
29th German Oriental Conference in Halle), ed. by Jürgen Hanneder. Aachen,
2005, S. 91-104.

2) Hanneder, Jürgen: The Mokṣopāya*saṅgraha*, in: The Mokṣopāya,
Yogavāsiṣṭha and related texts: (based on revised versions of lectures
delivered at the "Mokṣopāya Panel" held at the 29th German Oriental
Conference in Halle), ed. by Jürgen Hanneder. Aachen, 2005, S. 105-112.

Kind regards,
Walter Slaje

Am Sa., 26. März 2022 um 07:21 Uhr schrieb alakendu das via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info>:

> Respected Scholars ,
> Can anyone enlighten me on the authorship or the compiler of the text "
> YogVashishthaSara", which happens to be a set of preachings rendered
>  by Sage Vashishtha to his pupil Lord Rama.It is a compendium of
> interpretations of Adwaitya Vedanta( Absolute Monism).
> Regards.
> Alakendu Das.
> Sent from RediffmailNG on Android
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