[INDOLOGY] Seven types of ascetics

Martin Gansten martingansten at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 17:44:30 UTC 2022

That's very helpful, Dominik; thank you.

Best wishes,

Den 2022-07-22 kl. 16:26, skrev Dominik Wujastyk:
> There's a comprehensive discussion of uses of the word "caraka" in 
> Meulenbeld's HIML, IA, 105 ff.  I have nothing new to add to that. GJM 
> said, "The references to Caraka and Carakas discussed so far show that 
> these names are very old and go back to Vedic times." (109 
> <https://archive.org/details/Meulenbeld-HIML/HIML%201A%20/page/109/mode/1up>).
> Best,
> Dominik
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