[INDOLOGY] seeking Vaṃśabrāhmaṇa, Burnell ed. and DrāhyāyanaŚS, Reuters ed.

Lubin, Tim LubinT at wlu.edu
Sat Jul 2 19:53:20 UTC 2022


If any of you have a good PDF of either or both of these two old (out-of-copyright) volumes, which inexplicably are not made available on Google books, and elude me in Archive and in DLI as well, please share, ideally by uploading to Archive:

A. C. Burnell, The Vaṁçabrāhmaṇa, Mangalore 1873.

J. N. Reuters, The Śrautasūtra of Drāhyāyaṇa with the commentary of Dhanvin, London 1904.

With thanks,

Timothy Lubin
Jessie Ball duPont Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law
Chair of the Department of Religion
204 Tucker Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450

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