[INDOLOGY] Edible cereals in the Veda

Hock, Hans Henrich hhhock at illinois.edu
Thu Feb 10 18:09:11 UTC 2022

Thanks, Agnes, for this valuable reference.

Best wishes,

Hans Henrich

On 9 Feb2022, at 04:06, KORN Agnes <Agnes.KORN at cnrs.fr<mailto:Agnes.KORN at cnrs.fr>> wrote:

Dear all,

Adam Hyllested has been working on cereals as well. There is a paper from 2020 by him
and you could ask him about his subsequent (2021) presentation, where he elaborated further on the topic.


De : INDOLOGY [mailto:indology-bounces at list.indology.info] De la part de Hock, Hans Henrich via INDOLOGY
Envoyé : mardi, 8 février 2022 18:18
À : François Voegeli <francois.voegeli at gmail.com<mailto:francois.voegeli at gmail.com>>
Cc : indology at list.indology.info<mailto:indology at list.indology.info>
Objet : Re: [INDOLOGY] Edible cereals in the Veda

Dear François,

There is a recent article by Martin Joachim Kümmel: Agricultural terms in Indo-Iranian. It was published as chapter 12 inLanguage dispersal beyond farming, ed. by Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev, John Benjamins Publishing, 2017.

The attached is a copy of the handout, available from Research Gate.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Hans Henrich

On 7 Feb2022, at 14:21, François Voegeli via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info<mailto:indology at list.indology.info>> wrote:

Dear All,

Is there any comprehensive and up-to-date study on the edible cereals in the Veda: vrIhi, yava, godhUma, priaGgu, etc.?

If so, can someone send me copies of this/these study/ies?

Thanks in advance.

François Voegeli

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