[INDOLOGY] Summer workshop: The Light of Love: Bhoja's Śṛṅgāraprakāśa and South Indic Poetics (Procida, June 16-25)

Andrew Ollett andrew.ollett at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 12:06:46 UTC 2022

Dear all,

I am posting the message below on behalf of colleagues who are not on the
list. Please write to the supplied email address (
indianaestheticsprocida at gmail.com) with questions and indications of



Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce an exciting workshop: “*The Light of Love*:
Bhoja’s *Śṛṅgāraprakāśa* and South Indic Poetics.” We plan to meet and read
together for the first time this coming summer (June 16-25) in the Higher
Education School of Procida
(under the auspices of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”), just off
the coast from Naples. Our plan is simply to sit and read texts of southern
(that is, south of Kashmir) ālaṅkārikas, with a special focus on Bhojadeva,
but looking at works by Daṇḍin, Appayya Dīkṣita, Keśavdās (in Braj) and
others. We hope that this would be the first in a series of such meetings
that focuses on Bhoja, his milieu, and his successors. We are gathering a
team of about 20 people who will meet and read daily. The readings will be
led by ourselves along with Whitney Cox, Lawrence McCrea, and Andrew
Ollett. At the moment, we are still finalizing the budget, so we cannot
make any commitments, but we hope very much that we will be able to cover
the accommodation costs for 9 nights for those joining the reading
sessions, with a preference for graduate students and postdocs. Those of
you who might like to join: please send an email of interest that briefly
states what might lead you to join this group, what your language
background is, and who might serve as a reference. Please also mention if
you can stay for the entire duration.

Emails should be sent by May 10 to: indianaestheticsprocida at gmail.com.

With many thanks,

Stefania Cavaliere, Yigal Bronner, and David Shulman
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