[INDOLOGY] Khalatze inscription

Mark McClish mark.mcclish at northwestern.edu
Thu Oct 21 15:27:28 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues,

I am posting the following on behalf of a colleague who is not a member of the list. It concerns an inscription from Khalatze (image attached). He contacted me to confirm Francke’s claim that it is Maurya period Brāhmī and reads "Bharad[v]ayasa” (which Francke renders in Sanskrit as bharadvājasya). I can make out bha ra … ya sa in early Brāhmī in the first five characters, but the third and the sixth are unclear to me, as also whether the marks above the name have any orthographic value.

The image is taken from

Neve, Ernest F. Beyond the Pir Panjal: Life Among the Mountains and Valleys of Kashmir. London: T. Fisher Unvin, 1912, plate 35.

And Francke discusses it in

Francke, A.H. “Historische Dokumente von Khalatse in West-Tibet (Ladakh).” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 36 (1907A): 583–614.

Any comment on Francke’s reading or help beyond what I can see would be most appreciated.

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