[INDOLOGY] question about electronic text of Tattvacintāmaṇi

Tyler Neill tyler.g.neill at gmail.com
Fri May 28 18:44:49 UTC 2021

Dear all,

If there are Navya-Nyāya fans out there, this question is for you.

A number of electronic Sanskrit books were prepared by Central Sanskrit
University and posted here <http://www.sanskrit.nic.in/ebooks.php> in PDF
form. One of these e-books, prepared by the Guruvayoor Campus, is the
Tattvacintāmaṇi. (There are two versions, I'm not quite sure why.) This
e-book (here <http://www.sanskrit.nic.in/DigitalBook/T/Tattvacintamani.pdf>)
has been further made machine-searchable (here
and here <https://github.com/sanskrit/raw_etexts/tree/master/nyAya-shAstram>),
and I'm now working on further improving the plain-text, which I'll happily
post for all to use.

The data quality of this version seems relatively good, and it's the only
such complete electronic text that I know of. I'm specifically interested
in its particular division into sizeable paragraphs. However, I cannot yet
figure out what edition it is based on. I have looked at online Archive
versions of the Asiatic Society edition (e.g., vol. 1
<https://archive.org/details/tattvachipt101ganguoft/page/1/mode/2up>) and
the Tirupati edition (e.g., vol. 1
but neither of these seems to match. I fear that the e-book is an
independent creation with no documentation, but I hold out hope for a more
firmly established basis.

Does anyone have further ideas concerning what this electronic version of
the Tattvacintāmaṇi was based on, or else, how one can effectively get in
touch with the project team to ask?

Kind wishes,
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