[INDOLOGY] Buddhist "sutta"

Jim Ryan jim_ryan at comcast.net
Wed May 12 17:42:52 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Thanks to all of you who contributed to this robust and quite informative “thread” (sūtra!) on the proper derivation of the Buddhist term sutta from the Sanskrit. I tossed a pebble in the pond, I thought, which made
ripples beyond expectations. A thorough treatment of the issue that leaves open, perhaps, a fillip of sorts (this said without having yet read Nathan McGovern’s article.) Of course, the philological question rather quickly
leads to deeper issues regarding the conceptualization of types of text among traditions. I hadn’t even considered Jain notions of sutta/sūtra, comments on which emerged along the way. 

Best wishes,

Jim Ryan
California Institute of Integral Studies
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