[INDOLOGY] The Buddhist term sutta
Dan Lusthaus
lusthaus at g.harvard.edu
Tue May 11 18:14:04 UTC 2021
The Aṅguttara passage contrasting sutta with vinaya would appear to pose sutta and vinaya as referring to two of what became three piṭakas (abhidhamma had yet to appear).
Bhikkhu Bodhi translates that passage (and the following one) this way.
“Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu might say: ‘In the presence of the Blessed One I heard this; in his presence I learned this: “This is the Dhamma; this is the discipline; this is the Teacher’s teaching!”’ That bhikkhu’s statement should neither be approved nor rejected. Without approving or rejecting it, you should thoroughly learn those words and phrases and then check for them in the discourses and seek them in the discipline.{893} If, when you check for them in the discourses and seek them in the discipline, [you find that] they are not included among the discourses and are not to be seen in the discipline, you should draw the conclusion: ‘Surely, this is not the word of the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One. It has been badly learned by this bhikkhu.’ Thus you should discard it.
“But a bhikkhu might say: ‘In the presence of the Blessed One I heard this; in his presence I learned this: “This is the Dhamma; this is the discipline; this is the Teacher’s teaching!”’ That bhikkhu’s statement should neither be approved nor rejected. Without approving or rejecting it, you should thoroughly learn those words and phrases and then check for them in the discourses and seek them in the discipline. If, when you check for them in the discourses and seek them in the discipline, [you find that] they are included among the discourses and are to be seen in the discipline, you should draw the conclusion: ‘Surely, this is the word of the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One. It has been learned well by this bhikkhu.’ You should remember this first great reference.
Bhikkhu Bodhi’s note {893} is interesting:
Tāni padabyañjanāni . . . sutte otāretabbāni vinaye sandassetabbāni. Mp gives various meanings of sutte and vinaye here, some improbable. Clearly, this instruction presupposes that there already existed a body of discourses and a systematic Vinaya that could be used to evaluate other texts proposed for inclusion as authentic utterances of the Buddha. Otāretabbāni is gerundive plural of otārenti, “make descend, put down or put into,” and otaranti, just below, means “descend, come down, go into.” My renderings, respectively, as “check for them” and “are included among” are adapted to the context. Sandassetabbāni is gerundive plural of sandassenti, “show, make seen,” and sandissanti means “are seen.”
Like Woodward, Bodhi will on occasion indicate when he finds the commentaries unhelpful or misleading.
> On May 11, 2021, at 12:11 PM, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> Interesting that in some of those citations, Dan, sutta is in the singular. That suggests, to me, a genre rather than "texts". (I'm not on secure ground here; my Pali grammar is a bit rusty.)
> On another topic, my teacher Richard Gombrich also taught me that sutta could be *<sūkta . But I'd like to note that he wasn't dogmatic about it. It was represented as a possibility.
> Best,
> Dominik
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