[INDOLOGY] CfP - "Yoga darśana, yoga sādhana - Methods, migrations, mediations" 2022

Borayin M. Larios borayin.larios at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 15:31:40 UTC 2021

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the organising committee of the "Yoga darśana, yoga sādhana -
Methods, migrations, mediations" conference I am happy to extend the following
call for papers.


The Jagiellonian University Institute for the Study of Religions and the
SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies invite you to participate in the international
academic conference: Yoga darśana, yoga sādhana: methods, migrations,
mediations in Kraków from 18th-21st May 2022.

The YDYS conference is aimed at reviewing and discussing recent
developments in the field of Yoga Studies. It follows on from the
successful 2016 conference.

During the last five years we have witnessed an increasing amount of
state-of-the-art research on yoga, employing methods from humanities,
social sciences, and beyond. The application of new theories and methods to
the study of yoga has been accompanied by the emergence of new research
areas. Emerging areas of interest include explorations of the
sociopolitical entanglements of yoga, social dynamics of yoga communities,
local (especially non-anglophone) transformations of yoga, and technologies
mediating the transmission of yoga.

We believe it is time once again to come together as an international
community of academics to continue interdisciplinary dialogue on yoga in
all of its manifestations. Together we will discuss the methods applied in
yoga studies, the pathways of yoga’s migration across the globe, the social
and technological factors mediating its transnational flow, as well as
yoga’s role as a mediator in social relations and social change.

We plan to meet once again in the very centre of Kraków to share our
research during face-to-face interactions, in a hopefully post-pandemic
reality. However, we would like to make the conference accessible to those
who are not able to attend in person. Please let us know if attending in
person is not likely to be possible for you when you submit your abstract.

The conference will feature keynote lectures by: Amanda Lucia, University
of California-Riverside; Meera Nanda, Formerly IISER Pune; Shameem Black,
Australian National University.

The conference website, including a link to our submission site, and a
downloadable .pdf of the call for papers, is here: https://ydys2022.org/
Please share with your networks!

Best wishes,
Borayin Larios
Dr. lic. phil. Borayin Larios
Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde
Bereich Südasienkunde
Uni-Campus AAKh, Hof 2.1
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien
Office: +431427743518
Mobile: +43 676 5530274

https://borayinlarios.academia.edu/  <https://borayinlarios.academia.edu/>
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