[INDOLOGY] Advertisement: full-time position of exhibition curator for 5 years in Bonn

Julia Hegewald julia.hegewald at uni-bonn.de
Thu Feb 25 10:03:44 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues and friends,

please find attached the advertisement for an exhibition curator for 5 years in the Cluster of Excellence in Bonn. It is a full-time position and the material to be curated comes from a variety of regions, but also from South Asia. There are specialists for the individual collections present in Bonn.

Thank you for circulating the announcement.

All best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Professor of Oriental Art History
Head of Department
University of Bonn
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History
Adenauerallee 10
53113 Bonn

Email: julia.hegewald at uni-bonn.de <mailto:julia.hegewald at uni-bonn.de>
www.aik.uni-bonn.de <http://www.aik.uni-bonn.de/>
Tel. 0049-228-73 7213
Fax. 0049-228-73 4042

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