[INDOLOGY] PDF request

Per-Johan Norelius perjohan.sindahl at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 13:38:31 UTC 2021

Dear list members,

I'm looking for electronic versions of the following two papers:

H. W. Bodewitz, "The black spot in the moon, salt, seed, and the
devayajana", in Navonmeṣa: Gopinātha Kavirāja smṛtigranthaḥ. vol. 4
(Benares 1987, pp. 307-313).

Gerhard Ehlers, "Sieben Seher, Sieben Wasser", in Konrad Klaus & Jens-Uwe
Hartmann (eds.), Indica et Tibetica: Festschrift für Michael Hahn (Vienna
2007, pp. 145-150).

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter.

Best regards,
Per-Johan Norelius
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