Paolo Eugenio Rosati paoloe.rosati at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 20:18:03 UTC 2021

Dear all,

I am looking for a couple of papers for a panel I am organizing for the
EASR 2022 conference  that will be held in Cork (South-Eastern Ireland),
27 June - 1 July 2022.

The panel's (provisional) title is *Tantra at the "Periphery" of Monsoon
Asia: Freedom to Overcome Natural Laws*

*Description: *Tantra is religious phenomenon that spreads across Monsoon
Asia around the middle of the first millennium CE. It influenced Hindu and
non-Hindu traditions highlighting not only on phenomena as enlightenment,
illumination, liberation and salvation from the chains of the human world
but also on worldly self-realization through the most extreme ritual
praxis—which involves blood and sexual rites as well as their metaphoric
and metonymic translation in praxis through the use of vegetal and floral
elements. These religious practices often intersected Tantra to the
understudied “magic-shamanic” performances in Monsoon Asia, a field too
often understudied in modern Indology.
Usually, “magic-shamanic” performances lead the tantric practitioners to
both states of bliss, ecstasy, possession, trance, and the obtainment of
shapeshifting abilities, healing capacities, and mastering “white” and
“black” magic powers (using spells ad manipulating natural substances).
Hence, the adepts through the mediation of male or female gurus are able to
overcome the chains of the world’s natural order and to realize their own
This panel’s papers—following the research path of previous panels on
Tantra organized at the EASR conference 2020 in Tartu and 2021 in
Pisa—engages with a multidisciplinary approach, considering two or more
disciplines such as, but not limited to, textual studies, history, art
history and archaeology, ethnography and anthropology, folk studies,
religious studies, etc. The main aim of this panel is to shed light on
Tantra as a cross-cultural or transcultural phenomenon, which culminated in
peculiar regional and local cults. Furthermore, the dialectic between the
“centre(s)” and the “peripheries” will be analyzed in order to investigate
the socio-political overlapping of Indic and tribal traditions in the
formation of tantric cults across Monsoon Asia.

In case you are interested,  please write to me by 10th December (before 3
p.m.  GMT+1 time zone)* your name, position, a title and an abstract (max
300 words altogether - please strictly respect this limit)*.

I know there is no so much time, but I would like to complete one of the
two pre-arranged sessions. If you have an abstract please email me as soon
as possible so I will have enough time to read and consider it.


*Paolo E. Rosati*

*PhD in Asian and African Studies*
paoloe.rosati at gmail.com
Mobile/Whatsapp: (+39) 338 73 83 472
Skype: paoloe.rosati
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