[INDOLOGY] Two new publications from Vienna: Ślokavārttika, apohavāda chapter and Schiefner, correspondence

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at oeaw.ac.at
Sun Apr 11 11:00:39 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues,

two new publications just appeared in the Austrian Academy of Sciences 
Press that may be of interest to list members:

John Taber and Kei Kataoka: Meaning and Non-existence: Kumārila's 
Refutation of Dignāga's Theory of Exclusion. The Apohavāda Chapter of 
Kumārila's Ślokavārttika; Critical Edition and Annotated Translation. 
ISBN13: 978-3-7001-8641-0. EUR 39. 

In the Apohavāda chapter of his Ślokavārttika, the seventh-century Hindu 
philosopher Kumārila undertakes an exhaustive critique of the 
distinctive Buddhist theory of meaning, the “theory of exclusion”, or 
Apohavāda. According to this theory, which was introduced by the 
sixth-century Buddhist thinker Dignāga, a word refers not to some 
positive entity such as a universal, but to an “exclusion”. It became 
one of the core teachings of the Buddhist epistemological tradition. The 
debate on it is illustrative of the Buddhist-Brahmin disputes that 
shaped the development of classical Indian philosophy. This translation 
of Kumārila’s chapter, together with a critical edition, is accompanied 
by a running explanation based on the classical commentaries and 
extensive notes.


Hartmut Walravens, Agnes Stache-Weiske: Der Linguist Anton Schiefner 
(1817–1879) und sein Netzwerk – Briefe an Emil Schlagintweit, Leo 
Reinisch, Franz v. Miklosich, Vatroslav Jagić, K. S. Veselovskij, Eduard 
Pabst, Vilhelm Thomsen und andere. ISBN13: 978-3-7001-8397-6. EUR 125. 

The correspondence of the linguist Anton Schiefner covers the years 1843 
to 1879 and deals with a great variety of subjects. The present volume 
offers an historical survey on the situation and development of 
Linguistics of that period, owing to the manifold activities and 
interests of the author (i.a. Classical Philology, Finno-Ugric 
languages, Slavic languages, Tibetan, Caucasian languages) and of his 
correspondents, scattered all over Europe, as well. The present volume 
is complemented by various illustrations and extensive indices.

Orders can be placed at https://verlag.oeaw.ac.at/, enquiries can be 
directed to verlag at oeaw.ac.at.

With best regards,

Birgit Kellner

Prof. Birgit Kellner, PhD
Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Hollandstraße 11-13/2
1020 Wien

Prof. Birgit Kellner, PhD
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstrasse 11-13/2
1020 Vienna

Tel./Phone: +43-(0)-1-51581-6420
Web: http://ikga.oeaw.ac.at

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