Re: [INDOLOGY] root skr̥?

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at
Thu Oct 29 22:53:29 UTC 2020

Hello Hans,

     The fact that R̥gveda 10.127.3 has *askr̥ta* but the Padapāṭha has
*akr̥ta*, probably explains why Pāṇini did not include a root *skr̥*, but
only proposed a contextual insertion or augmentation with "*s"*. Best,


Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 3:24 PM Hock, Hans Henrich <hhhock at>

> Addition: A Sanskrit example of *s-*mobile would be the coexistence of a
> root *tan-* and a root *stan-, *both meaning ‘thunder’
> Dear Madhav and All,
> There is also *pari-ṣkṛta-**. *Unfortunately, Mayrhofer could not find
> any convincing parallels outside Sanskrit. However, there is a general
> phenomenon in Indo-European, called *s*-mobile (the varying presence or
> absence of a root-initial * s*). The Wikipedia entry "
>” has a useful
> summary, as well as some relevant references. (An alternative, but more
> speculative explanation would be that in structures like *namaskṛ* the *s* was
> reinterpreted as a simplification of earlier *ss* (similar to *asi* ‘you
> are’ for expected * as-si*, not also the Vedic external sandhi for *-s#st* etc.)
> and that this led to the notion that there is an alternative root form
> *skṛ-*.)
> All the best,
> Hans
> On 29 Oct2020, at 16:58, Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <
> indology at> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> In R̥gveda 10.127.3 there is a verb form *askr̥ta* showing the trace of
> the root *skr̥*.  The Padapāṭha of Śākalya presents this form as * akr̥ta*,
> indicating that the root *skr̥ *as an independent root is no longer
> recognized. What is going on? Can one presume that forms like *saṃskaroti* where
> Pāṇini prescribes the insertion of "s" are actually survivals of this
> earlier root *skr̥*.  Please suggest references that I can look up.
> Madhav M. Deshpande
> Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
> Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies
> [Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
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