[INDOLOGY] Translations
adheesh sathaye
adheesh1 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 19:39:10 UTC 2020
Dear Patrick, et al,
>From my experience, there are a number of premodern Old Gujarati and Nepali & Newari translations (often quite hybridized) of Śivadāsa's Vetālapañcaviṃśati. On the latter, I can recommend very much a new essay by Felix Otter, “The Robber, the Demon, the Girl, and Her Lover: An Episode from the Newari Version of the Vetālapañcaviṃśati” in Carmen Brandt & Hans Harder (eds): Wege durchs Labyrinth: Festschrift zu Ehren von Rahul Peter Das. Heidelberg; Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11588/xabooks.642.
He has made it available on his Academia.edu <http://academia.edu/> page here: https://uni-marburg.academia.edu/FelixOtter <https://uni-marburg.academia.edu/FelixOtter>
(On the Nepali, there is Theodore Riccardi’s equally excellent book)
>From what I have seen, it is clear that, generally speaking, these are “translations” of the Sanskrit VP, and not “transcreations” in the terminology of Purushottam Lal (and AK Ramanujan). That is, they largely have a one-to-one textual correspondence with the Sanskrit (Śivadāsa) version.
I imagine there are other examples of such kathā anthologies that were translated rather than transcreated (Siṃhāsana°, Śuka°, Pañcatantra, etc.).
With best wishes,
Adheesh Sathaye
University of British Columbia
> On Nov 28, 2020, at 14:01, Olivelle, J P via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> I have received a query from a scholar not on this list about translations of Sanskrit texts into other Indian languages in the medieval period, say pre- 17th century. If any of you know such translations, I’d be delighted to get some information on them.
> With thanks and best wishes,
> Patrick Olivelle
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