Re: [INDOLOGY] Sampradāya Kalpadruma

Elliot Stern emstern1948 at
Thu May 28 16:43:04 UTC 2020

Shandip Shah apparently had access to this text when he worked on his 2004 dissertation, A HISTORY OF THE PUSTI MARGA IN NORTHERN AND WESTERN INDIA (1493-1905)  ( <>}. He cites a published edition in a footnote: "Also see seventeenth century Braj Bhasa history of the Pusti Marga written by Vitthalnath Bhatt, Sampradaya Kalpadruma (Bombay: Laksmivenkatesvara Chapakhana, 1893.). <> gives this contact information: Associate Professor in Religious Studies Athabasca University Phone: (780) 420-1337, Email: shandips at Website: https://ssaha <https://ssaha/>

I am sorry that I cannot directly guide you to any copy of the work or answer to its relevance in the Pushtimarga tradition, but I hope the above information proves to be useful.


> On May 28, 2020, at 8:16 AM, Santosh Gokhale via INDOLOGY <indology at> wrote:
> Dear Scholars,
> I am looking for long for a book called 'Sampradāya Kalpadruma' by Vitthalanātha or manaraṃjana kavi.
> It is apparently a  Pushtimargiya Vaishnava Sampradaya text, which has been extensively referred to by R B Athawale in his writings on Jagannatha Pandita,  but all my searches for this book have served futile.
> Can anyone guide me to a soft/hard copy of the said text, as also comment on its relevance in the Pushtimarga tradition?
> Kind regards
> Santosh
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Elliot M. Stern
552 South 48th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143-2029
emstern1948 at

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