[INDOLOGY] Orientation of text in sanskrit printed book
Christophe Vielle
christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be
Wed May 27 07:25:46 UTC 2020
See also the Indology List 2012 thread on "Flipback books or the Pothi form for Roman characters"
> Début du message réexpédié :
> De: Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be>
> Objet: Rép : [INDOLOGY] Flipback books or the Pothi form for Roman characters
> Date: 20 juillet 2012 à 18:53:54 UTC+2
> À: Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk at gmail.com>
> Apparently (according to the 'thisbloglife' article, and also by the licences or contracts made with only selected publishers on the different - English, French, Spanish - markets), there seems to be a copyright on the design itself (beside the fact that 'Dwarsligger' is itself a Dutch registred trademark): according to a Wiki article (written by the publisher, except a line added by me...) for the ".2 Point Deux" French series of "ultra-poches" (http://www.editionspoint2.com/ <http://www.editionspoint2.com/>), "La Martinière Groupe a décidé de racheter les droits du format pour la France au début de l'année 2010 et pour deux ans", and the printing itself remains made by Jongbloed ("Les textes sont imprimés sur du papier-bible par l'inventeur hollandais"), see: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_Deux <http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_Deux>
> The precise terms of the copyright seem not available.
> Le 20 juil. 2012 à 18:35, Dominik Wujastyk a écrit :
>> I think you're right, Christophe. The widespread use of this format in India arguably constitutes "prior art <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prior_art>". But Jongbloed may have genuinely invented a novel spine and binding, I don't know. If Jongbloed tried to sue Khemaraja Shreekrishnadas on the physical format, I think the might fail. It would only arise if KS tried to compete. Seems highly unlikely :-) Is the claim for copyright on the design, or a registered trademark on the names, rather? I didn't see a copyright claim in the links you posted.
>> Dominik
>> On 20 July 2012 16:36, Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be <mailto:christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be>> wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> In reading the article "Flipback books: new direction of dead end"
>> http://www.thisbloglife.com/2012/07/flipback-books-new-direction-or-dead-end/ <http://www.thisbloglife.com/2012/07/flipback-books-new-direction-or-dead-end/>
>> I was astonished to hear that the Dutch publishing company "Jongbloed" (http://www.jongbloed.com/ <http://www.jongbloed.com/>) had attached a copyright to the Dwarsligger® book format (http://www.dwarsligger.com/ <http://www.dwarsligger.com/> or http://www.dwarsligger.nl/ <http://www.dwarsligger.nl/>) they pretend to have created in 2009 (see the interview of their international marketing manager at http://laurastanfill.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/the-flipback-part-2/ <http://laurastanfill.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/the-flipback-part-2/>
>> or, in Dutch, of the general manager at http://www.amboanthos.com/Uploads/pdf/090828%20boekblad%20artikel.pdf <http://www.amboanthos.com/Uploads/pdf/090828%20boekblad%20artikel.pdf> : "the greatest book-innovation after Gutenberg"), and which is known on the English speaking market as the Flipback format (Hodder & Stoughton Publ.), or in French as "ultra- or hyper-poche" (La Martinière Publ.).
>> I wonder what's the difference with the Pothi form used in Indian printing since the 19th century and still in use in publishing houses like the Venkateswara Press in Mumbai (see the smallest pocket Bhagavadgita available in Flipback/Pothi form at http://www.khe-shri.com/khemraj.htm <http://www.khe-shri.com/khemraj.htm>). Can this Western (at least Dutch...) commercial capture (this is not very Christian for a Bible publisher...) of an Indian design remain without reaction?
>> Best wishes,
>> Christophe Vielle
> Le 27 mai 2020 à 01:12, Eric Gurevitch via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
> There is also a useful discussion of both Tibetan xylographs and Colonial lithographs vis-a-vis pothī and codex formatting in the following chapter, which also cites Rocher and Rocher's Making of Western Indology, p. 74:
> Formigatti, Camillo A. 2016. “A Forgotten Chapter in South Asian Book History? A Bird’s Eye View of Sanskrit Print Culture.” In Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, and Change, edited by Hildegard Diemberger, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, and Peter Kornicki, 72–134.
> All the best,
> Eric
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 6:08 PM rrocher via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info <mailto:indology at list.indology.info>> wrote:
> That was the format of all the early editions of Sanskrit texts published by the Sanskrit Press initiated in Calcutta in 1806 under the aegis of H.T. Colebrooke and managed by his personal librarian Bābūrāma. They have been described as as valuable as incunables.
> Rosane Rocher
> On 5/26/20 5:37 PM, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY wrote:
>> Dear list members,
>> Attached is a picture from the on-line guided lessons for Maurer's "The Sanskrit Language". It shows a book with text oriented in the book 90 degrees different from the normal orientation in most western books. I've seen this orienttion in some small devanagari chanting books. I'm curious how common this orientation is, if it is only used for chanting books or if it is a feature of certain publishers or any other information.
>> Thanks,
>> Harry Spier
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> Eric Gurevitch
> PhD Candidate, South Asian Languages and Civilizations and
> Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
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