[INDOLOGY] pdf request Joshi/Roodbergen Mbh.

Tim Felix Aufderheide timfelixaufderheide at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 21:08:49 UTC 2020

Dear list members,

does anybody happen to have a pdf of the following volume of 
Joshi/Roodbergen's translation of the Mahabhashya and would be willing 
to share it on- or off-list?

Patanjali 's Vyakarana-Mahabhashya. */Pratipadikasheshahnika /*(P. 
2.3.46 - 2.3.71). Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes by S.D. 
Joshi and J .A.F. Roodbergen, Publications of the Centre of Advanced 
Study in Sanskrit. Class C, No. 14. University of Poona. Pune, 1981.

Can't find it online and interlibrary loan is obviously no option at the 

Thanks and best regards

Tim Felix Aufderheide

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