[INDOLOGY] CFP: CSRI at University of Madras

Archana Venkatesan avenkatesan at ucdavis.edu
Fri Jan 24 17:33:31 UTC 2020

With apologies for cross-posting:

The deadline is fast approaching--Feb 1, 2020. Please consider submitting a
proposal. This year, CSRI is hosting the conference in India.

Details below.



The *Conference on the Study of Religions of India (CSRI)* invites
proposals for its upcoming Annual Meeting to be held at the University of
Madras, India on July 21-24, 2020. The conference theme is*"Containment,
Collection, and Arrangement* *in South Asian Religions.”* We invite
proposals representing a range of disciplinary and methodological
approaches that focus on the actual, metaphorical or conceptual storage,
movement, or organization of objects and substances of significance in
religious texts, ritual practices, institutional structures and/or
individual behaviour. Possible topics could include the organization of *m*
*ū**rti*s in temple architecture; the disposition of materials in ritual;
episodes of hiding, finding or losing sacred objects in Epics and other
narrative traditions; philosophical or theological accounts of perception
and memory; classificatory schemes that demarcate the structure of the
human person (e.g., *cakras*, faculties), the cosmos and/or social and
cultural institutions; monastic traditions of manuscript collection and
organization, and so forth. Conference organizers welcome individual paper
proposals that articulate a clear argument and its connection to the
conference theme of no longer than 250 words to be submitted through the
CSRI website at https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/csri/
later than February 1, 2020.

*Proposals must include a clear statement of a thesis or argument to be
advanced and must be clearly related to the conference theme. Abstracts
that do not meet those criteria cannot be considered.*

*Housing and Registration*: Conference participants will bear the cost of
their own lodging. We have arranged room blocks at the moderately priced
New Woodlands Hotel and the modestly priced University of Madras Guest
House, both in the vicinity of the university conference site. Conference
registration fees will be as follows, with additional concessions for
graduate students: Scholars from South Asia = ₹1,000; Scholars from outside
South Asia = US $50.

*"When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an
incarnation."*  Jorge Luis Borges

Archana Venkatesan <https://archana.faculty.ucdavis.edu/> (
Chair, Department of Religious Studies
*Associate Professor, Religious Studies and Comparative Literature*
Phone: 530-754-2821 (Office)
Check out UC Davis's Religions of India Initiative

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