[INDOLOGY] Collected Papers on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Kashmir. By Walter Slaje [Publication Announcement]

Roland Steiner steiner at staff.uni-marburg.de
Thu Jan 16 19:29:14 UTC 2020

Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to draw your attention to the following publication:
Walter Slaje: /Kleine Schriften zur kaschmirischen Kultur- und  
Geistesgeschichte/. Edited by Jürgen Hanneder, Andreas Pohlus, and  
Roland Steiner. Marburg: Indica et Tibetica 2019. Two volumes. xxxii,  
883 p.
“These two volumes assemble Walter Slaje's papers on the cultural and  
intellectual history of Kashmir up to the year 2019. The contributions  
deal with topics such as studies of manuscripts and material culture,  
syntax, literature as well as political and religious history and  
philosophy. Special emphasis is laid on Slaje's fundamental work on  
the /Mokṣopāya/Yogavāsiṣṭha/ and the subsequent literature, as well as  
on his authoritative studies of local Kashmiri historiography, the  
/Rājataraṅgiṇīs/. Also included is a complete list of Slaje’s  
publications as well as various indexes (word index; texts; index  
locorum; index of names and subjects).”
With kind regards

Roland Steiner

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