[INDOLOGY] Texts about translators and translation?

naresh keerthi nakeerthi at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 17:35:12 UTC 2020

Dear Prof Nataliya Yanchevskaya,

*A propos* your recent mail on texts on translation in Sanskrit, here is
some information that may be relevant.

The term ‘*anuv**ā**da*’ currently used in the Indian languages for
translation, had a wider remit in  śāstra jargon, and was use for scholarly
paraphrase or citation, and the denotation of translation for  ‘*anuv**ā*
*da*’ is a semantic extension of this idea of paraphrase. Prof Radhavallabh
Tripathi [currently at the Bhandarkar Institute, Pune]has recently written
a treatise on the expanded notion of ‘anuvāda’ covering paraphrase,
citation as well as translation. His book is in the sutra-bhāśya style,
with an auto-commentary, as well as auxiliary ‘parikara-śloka-s’. I had
occasion to see a partial draft of the book. You may contact Prof Tripathi
if his book is of interest. Drop me a personal mail if you need his contact

I noticed that other members of the list had pointed out a few papers that
reflect upon translation *from* Sanskrit. I add some more to that list.

Damrosch, D., 2008. What could a message mean to a cloud? Kalidasa travels
West. *Translation Studies*, *1*(1), pp.41-54.

Gopinathan, G., 2000. Ancient Indian theories of translation. *Beyond the
Western tradition*, pp.165-173.

Nelson, B., 2011. Beyond free and literal: Translating a Buddhist text
(Bodhicaryavatarapanjika) from Sanskrit. *Journal of the Oriental Society
of Australia, The*, *43*, p.83.

O'Flaherty, W.D., 1971. A New Approach to Sanskrit Translation. *Mahfil*,
*7*(3/4), pp.129-141.

Ramanujan, A.K., 1991. Three hundred Ramayanas: Five examples and three
thoughts on translation. *Many Ramayanas: The diversity of a narrative
tradition in South Asia*, pp.22-49.


Naresh Keerthi

Hebrew University, Jerusalem

> *From:* INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> on behalf of
> Nataliya Yanchevskaya via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 2, 2020 12:41 AM
> *To:* indology at list.indology.info <indology at list.indology.info>
> *Subject:* [INDOLOGY] Texts about translators and translation?
> Dear Colleagues,
> Happy New Year!
> A student of mine wants to study Sanskrit texts about translation and
> translators. She also asked me if I knew any short poems or jokes ? again,
> in Sanskrit ? about translators. Could you please kindly suggest anything?
> Frankly, I know nothing about this topic ? have never encountered such
> texts!
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> Nataliya
> -----------
> Nataliya Yanchevskaya
> Lecturer in Sanskrit
> PIIRS, Princeton University

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