[INDOLOGY] New publication jointly published by the Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient and the Institut Français de Pondichéry

Anurupa Naik anurupa.n at ifpindia.org
Mon Feb 10 10:19:55 UTC 2020

*/The Three Early Tiruvantātis of the Tivyappirapantam./*Annotated 
Translation and Glossary by Eva Wilden with the collaboration of Marcus 
Schmücker, Collection Indologie n° 143 ; NETamil Series n° 7, Ecole 
française d’Extrême-Orient / Institut Français de Pondichéry, 2020, 
xiii, 556 p.
Language: Tamil, English. Rs 900 (38 EUR). ISBN: 978-2-85539-238-7 
(EFEO) / 978-81-8470-234-7 (IFP).*//*

*About the book*
The early /Antātis/ of the three Āḻvārs known as Poykaiyāḻvār, 
Pūtattāḻvār and Pēyāḻvār form the earliest layer in the /Nālāyira 
Tivyappirapantam/ (“Four-thousand Heavenly Compositions”), the 
devotional corpus of the Śrīvaiṣṇavas, a religious group of devotees of 
the god Viṣṇu active to this day in Tamilnadu and beyond. Still in the 
earlier metre Veṇpā and thus part of the /Iyaṟpā/, the portion of the 
canon to be recited and not sung, they stand at the transition from Old 
to Middle Tamil and contain on the one hand many interesting 
transitional forms, on the other hand experiments with the young genre 
of devotional poetry, looking back to the earlier conventions of /Akam 
/and /Puṟam/, playing with them and partly going beyond them. This 
volume offers a metrical Tamil text with print variants and a first 
glance into a few manuscripts, a word-split transliterated version and 
an annotated English translation. It includes, along with an 
introduction and an epilogue on theology, an analytical 
glossary-concordance and three appendices concerned with names and 
epithets of the deities, with incarnations and mythic episodes, and with 
temples and toponyms.
*About the authors*
*Eva Wilden *has been a scientific member (maître de conférences) of the 
EFEO from 2003 to 2017, working on the critical re-edition and the 
transmission history of the Tamil Caṅkam corpus. From 2014 to 2019 she 
was the principal investigator of the ERC project “NETamil: Going from 
Hand to Hand ‒ Networks of Intellectual Exchange in the Tamil Learned 
Traditions”, jointly hosted by the University of Hamburg and the EFEO. 
In 2015 she received the Indian presidential award “Kural Peetam”. She 
is now a professor of Tamil and Manuscript Studies in Hamburg.

*Marcus Schmücker* is a senior researcher at the Institute for the 
Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia (IKGA) of the Austrian Academy 
of Sciences, Vienna. His main area of research includes Vedāntic and 
Vaiṣṇava theology in Sanskrit, Tamil and Manipravalam.

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