[INDOLOGY] 2 Research Associate Positions at the Center for Religious Studies, Bochum

ponsjehk jessie.pons at rub.de
Fri Dec 18 15:10:51 UTC 2020

Dear list members,


The Center for Religious Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum has announced 2
Research Associate positions to work on the “Digitization of Gandharan
Artefacts (DiGA)” project. The DiGA project will digitize and catalogue a
corpus of 1,791 Buddhist sculptures from Gandhara currently kept in two
collections in Chakdara and Saidu Sharif. The resulting database will be
hosted on heidICON (Heidelberg University Library) and made available on
OpenAccess. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Education and Research (funding line eHeritage) for a period of three years.


Details about the project and the positions can be found here
iate-positions-tv-l-13-2987-hw-2-years-201218-433101> . The deadline for
applications is 31st of January 2021. Please feel free to circulate the


Two short precisions on the announcement:

1.	The positions are advertised for two years but it is actually just
under three years. The researchers will start working after the official
start of the project on the 1st of February 2021 (very likely in the Spring
as soon as the hiring process is complete), and will be employed until its
official end on the 31st of January 2024. 
2.	The positions are open for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral
researchers alike. 


All the best,

Jessie Pons


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