Re: [INDOLOGY] Śridhara on PDS
Raffaele Torella
raffaele.torella at
Fri Apr 10 18:35:57 UTC 2020
I wish to heartily thank Vincent Eltschinger, Dmitry Olenev and Suhas Mahesh (and also an “anonymous” donor…).
Then, very special thanks are due to Dominik for creating this unique e-paṇḍitasabhā, so generous and always ready to help!
Buona Pasqua!
> Il giorno 09 apr 2020, alle ore 14:53, Raffaele Torella <raffaele.torella at> ha scritto:
> Dear Colleagues,
> in spite of my efforts I have not been able to find the e-text of Śridhara’s commentary on Padārthadharmasaṃgraha. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Warm regards
> Raffaele Torella
> Prof. Raffaele Torella
> Chair of Sanskrit
> Sapienza University of Rome
> <>
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