[INDOLOGY] Continuing my Krishna verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sat Mar 16 13:54:15 UTC 2019

Continuing my Krishna verses

परिष्वजन्ति वृक्षांस्ता: कृष्णबुद्ध्या व्रजाङ्गना: ।
प्रमोदोऽतीव सर्वासामकृष्णं नास्ति किञ्चन ।।६८१।।
The cowgirls of Vraja, thinking that it is Krishna, embrace trees. They all
have great joy, because there is nothing that is not Krishna.

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

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