[INDOLOGY] A Yoga Bibliography

Peter Schreiner peter.schreiner at aoi.uzh.ch
Fri Jun 28 12:46:29 UTC 2019

A Yoga Bibliography

“Foundations, Methods, Goals” was the subtitle of a bibliographical 
survey on yoga literature published in 1979 and listing around thousand 
titles. I have been collecting titles on yoga ever since. Even though I 
may continue to do so (presently, a search for "yoga" in academia.edu 
finds more than 91'000 papers containing 'yoga' and more than 3'000 
paper titles that mention 'yoga'), the time has come to adjust to the 
new technologies and tools for searching and storing information. Thus, 
“A Yoga Bibliography” (edited by Peter Schreiner and Olga Serbaeva) has 
been uploaded to the homepage of the Department of Indology at the 
Asien-Orient-Institut (AOI) of the University of Zürich from where it 
can be downloaded — to be used and improved.


For details see the Project Introduction. The bibliography was meant to 
be an indological bibliography; if members of this list send me 
information about missing references (e.g., your own publications) with 
all bibliographical details, I can still include them...

Peter Schreiner

Peter Schreiner
Chemin de Boracles 94
1008 Jouxtens-Mézery

Tel. +41-21-635 0365
mobile: +41-76-422 0365
email:peter.schreiner at aoi.uzh.ch

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