[INDOLOGY] Fwd: world's largest bhagavad gita

patrick mccartney psdmccartney at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 12:10:29 UTC 2019

Dear Friends,

You might be interested in this live event that just occurred with Narendra
Modi unveiling the world's largest Bhagavad Gita.
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvOMFS_vBls> The recorded stream is
already available. The book weighs 800kgs and the dimensions are 2m x
2.8m. Here
is a short news clipping

All the best,

パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhD
JSPS Fellow - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto
University, Japan
Research Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya,
Visiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian
National University

Skype - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp:  +81-80-9811-3235
Twitter - @psdmccartney

*bodhapūrvam calema* ;-)

Yogascapes in Japan <http://yogascapes.weebly.com/>

Academia <https://patrickmccartney.academia.edu/>



Edanz <https://www.edanzediting.com/expert/anthropology/patrick-mccartney>

Modern Yoga Research <http://www.modernyogaresearch.org/events/>

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