[INDOLOGY] Journal of Indian philosophy

Tieken, H.J.H. H.J.H.Tieken at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Tue Feb 19 08:31:57 UTC 2019

Dear List members,

Since my last message it has become clear that I had erroneously concluded that the library of the university of Leiden had discontinued its subscription to IJP. The problem was that the catalogue linked to a collection with limited years, while it should have linked to the Springer site with the complete journal. I am told that the situation will be corrected.

Once more I like to thank everybody for the quick reactions with the pdf of Emmrich's article.

With the best wishes,

Herman Tieken
Stationsweg 58
2515 BP Den Haag
The Netherlands
00 31 (0)70 2208127
website: hermantieken.com<http://hermantieken.com/>

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