[INDOLOGY] Pdf request - Hacker on Vivarta

Andrea Acri andrea.acri at ephe.sorbonne.fr
Fri Feb 1 09:38:29 UTC 2019

Dear list members,

I’m looking for the .pdf of a book by Paul Hacker that does not seem to be available at the EFEO/BULAC/CdF libraries in Paris, namely:

Vivarta: Studien zur Geschichte der illusionistischen Kosmologie und Erkenntnistheorie der Inder. Wiesbaden: Verlag der Akad. d. Wiss., 1953. Akad. d. Wissen. u. d. Lit. in Mainz. Abh. der geistes- und sozialwiss. Kl., Jahrgang 1953, Nr. 5. (58pp.)

Many thanks in advance to those who have a copy at hand and are willing to share it.


Andrea ACRI
École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL University
Maître de conférences/Assistant Professor
Études tantriques/Tantric Studies
Section des Sciences religieuses, Paris
Publications at: www.ephe.academia.edu/AndreaAcri<http://www.ephe.academia.edu/AndreaAcri>
www.ephe.fr<http://www.ephe.fr> | www.univ-psl.fr<http://www.univ-psl.fr>

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