[INDOLOGY] Reminder: IASS Honorary Research Fellowship deadline 31 DECEMBER 2019

soni at staff.uni-marburg.de soni at staff.uni-marburg.de
Tue Dec 10 11:07:30 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
In 2019 the International Association of Sanskrit Studies initiated  
this Fellowship and I crave your indulgence in sending this reminder,  
after the first announcement on 25 Sep 2019.

Any paying member of the IASS (International Association of Sanskrit  
Studies) is eligible for the HRF, if the scholar has received a PhD in  
Sanskrit or allied studies in the last five years.

The HRF is for research work to be conducted in South Asia for a  
period of at least two weeks in any field related to Sanskrit and  
allied studies.

The DEADLINE for the written project proposal is 31 DECEMBER 2019.

The honorary research fellowship, valued at 1000 Euros, will be  
announced annually, providing the IASS budget is able to sustain the  
(The award was initiated in 2019 and the first winner was Dr Lauren  
Bausch, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, for her proposal on the  
‘Vedic philosophy of language according to the Brāhmaṇa texts’.)

Please send all proposals and/or queries to Associate Professor  
McComas Taylor of the IASS:
McComas.Taylor at anu.edu.au
See the details here:

Thank you.
J. Soni
Secretary General of the IASS
The website of the IASS:
See under “Awards” for all 3 IASS awards.


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