[INDOLOGY] Continuing my Krishna verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sun Aug 25 13:00:16 UTC 2019

Continuing my Krishna verses

हृदये वहतात् नित्यं तव माधुर्यनिर्झरी ।
यस्यामेकरसो भूत्वा लभेय सखितां तव ।।८३८।।

Let the stream of your sweetness constantly flow in my heart, so that I may
immerse in it and attain your friendship.

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

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