Re: [INDOLOGY] Oberlin & Shulman: Two Masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam – Mantrāṅkam and Aṅgulīyāṅkam. OUP 2019

Matthew Kapstein mkapstei at
Thu Aug 1 09:02:49 UTC 2019

Atyāścaryam! Atyāścaryam!
Congratulations to the editors and contributors for a much needed and, even without seeing it I have no doubt, superb volume. Kudos!


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From: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at> on behalf of Heike Oberlin via INDOLOGY <indology at>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 10:24:42 AM
To: Indologylist <indology at>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Oberlin & Shulman: Two Masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam – Mantrāṅkam and Aṅgulīyāṅkam. OUP 2019

[Publication announcement]

Heike Oberlin & David Shulman (eds.). 2019. Two Masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam: Mantrāṅkam and Aṅgulīyāṅkam.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Kūṭiyāṭṭam, India’s only living traditional Sanskrit theatre, has been continually performed in Kerala for at least a thousand years. The actors and drummers create an entire world in the empty space of the stage by using spectacular costumes and make-up and by an immensely rich interplay of words, rhythms, mime, and gestures.

This volume focuses on Mantrāṅkam and Aṅgulīyāṅkam, the two great masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam. It provides fundamental general remarks and relates them to pan-Indian reflections on aesthetics, philology, ritual studies, and history. Authored by scholars and active Kūṭiyāṭṭam performers, this is the first attempt to bring together a set of sustained, multi-faceted interpretations of these masterpieces-in-performance. With an aim to open up this ancient art form to readers interested in South Indian culture, religion, theatre and performance studies, philology as well as literature, this volume offers a new way to access a major art form of pre-modern and modern Kerala.

Table of contents

Foreword (K.K. Gopalakrishan)

Introduction (Heike Oberlin and David Shulman)

Opening up

  *   Aṅgulīyāṅkam and Mantrāṅkam: Two Wondrous Crest Jewels of Kūṭiyāṭṭam (Sudha Gopalakrishnan)
  *   Some Remarks on the Āścaryacūḍāmaṇi: Reflections, Reflexivity, and Wonder (Lyne Bansat-Boudon)


  *   Mantrāṅkam, an Ancient Integration Project? Its Structure and Composition (Heike Oberlin)
  *   What is Mantrāṅkam? (David Shulman)
  *   Pracchana Bārhaspatyam: Irony and Illusion, Reality, Reflection, and Play in Mantrāṅkam (Orly Hadani Nave)
  *   Reflection and Aruḷ: Creating Śiva on the Kūṭiyaṭṭam Stage (Hemdat Salay)
  *   Vasantaka: Personal Considerations from within the Practice (Indu G.)
  *   Mantrāṅkam: An Arena for Experimentation (Elena Mucciarelli)
  *   The Mantrāṅkam Paribhāṣa from a Historical Linguistics Perspective (Ophira Gamliel)
  *   Tying the Universe: The Interplay of Veda and Kūṭiyāṭṭam with special reference to Mantrāṅkam (Elena Mucciarelli and Heike Oberlin)


  *   Aṅgulīyāṅkam, Rāmāyaṇa-Vēda of the Cākyārs (Virginie Johan)
  *   Aṅgulīyāṅkam: The Nāṭyaveda of Kūṭiyāṭṭam (Bhadra P.K.M. and Rajneesh B.)
  *   The World of Hanumān: Creating a Fluid Cosmos on a Kerala Kūṭiyāṭṭam Stage (Einat Bar-On Cohen)
  *   Distinct Conventions in the Staging of Aṅgulīyāṅkam Kūttu (Ammannur Kuttan Chakyar and Aparna Nangiar)

Tying up

  *   My Experience of Performing Aṅgulīyāṅkam and Mantrāṅkam (Madhu Margi Chakyar)
  *   Knowing and Being: Kūṭiyāṭṭam and Its Semantic Universe (Manu V. Devadevan)
  *   An Actor in Red and White: The Cākyār Community and the Early Maṇiprāvaḷam Corpus (Sivan Goren Arzony)

Note on the Contributors


Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI)
Dept. of Indology and Comparative Religion
Keplerstr. 2 (room 139)  · 72074 Tuebingen · Germany

Phone +49 7071 29-74005 · Mobile +49 176 20030066
heike.oberlin at

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