[INDOLOGY] Mahātipiṭaka Cūl̥ābhaya

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sun Sep 30 00:28:26 UTC 2018

In an article by Ankur Barua [
I came across this reference: "Theravādin author who wished to become a
Buddha by following the Bodhisatta-yāna is the `Sri Lankan

monk Mahā-Tipitaka Cūlābhaya. In his subcommentary on the “Questions of
King Milinda” during the twelfth-century, he wrote that he wished to become
a Buddha at the end of his work."  Is this commentary the same as the
Milindaṭīkā published by the PTS, or a different commentary?  The
Milinda-Aṭṭhakathā of U Nārada alias Mingun Zetavun Sayadaw that was
written around 1948 and transcribed and published by me [Studia Philologica
Buddhica, Monograph Series XIII, Tokyo, The International Institute for
Buddhist Studies, 1999] refers to the opinion of a
Tipiṭaka-Cūl̥ābhayatthera on p.57.  I would appreciate any information on
this monk and his commentary on Milindapañha. Is it available anywhere?

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

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