[INDOLOGY] Mbh stratification

Artur Karp karp at uw.edu.pl
Sun Oct 28 10:51:51 UTC 2018

Dear Oliver,

As a retiree of - already - some seniority, I have difficulty in ingesting
phraseological solids, such as <<neural networks digesting all kinds of
linguistic features and making temporal predictions based on them>>.

Could you please explain what hides behind these scholarly terms?



2018-10-28 9:45 GMT+01:00 Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info>:

> Dear all,
> just a short PS for the Mbh stratification thread (Andrew, Joydeep and
> others): A follow-up paper to appear in 2019 (neural networks digesting all
> kinds of linguistic features and making temporal predictions based on them)
> seems to suggest that we can distinguish temporal strata in the Mbh. A
> detail study of the Bhishmaparvan produces results that are not too far
> away from some outcomes of philological research:
>  * BhG + the introductory chapters of Book 6: first few centuries CE
> (rather 200 CE++)
>  * Battle passages quite constantly placed in the centuries BCE
> Best, Oliver
> ---
> Oliver Hellwig, SFB 991 Düsseldorf, IVS Zürich
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