[INDOLOGY] Cluster of Dependency, University of Bonn: Workshop on visual material

Julia Hegewald julia.hegewald at uni-bonn.de
Fri Nov 30 11:15:31 UTC 2018

Dear members of the list,

The University of Bonn has recently been awarded a major research grant (Cluster of Excellence) to examine extreme forms of dependency, which will run for the next 7 years. 

Research Area B focusses on material culture and visual arts and examines objects produced in situations of dependency or depictions of them. This could e.g. include an examination of the relationship/dependency of artists from patrons, priests, religious texts or norms. One could work on the Bhakti movement where people consider themselves ’slaves of god’ (are there visual representations of this?). One could study iconographical depictions which depict suppression or dependency, such as Nataraja or Kali crushing the demon of ignorance below their feet. The theme could also be annexed statues or buildings etc. I am sure one could think of a large number of possible research foci.

In order to get a better idea of the various scholars having an interest in this area, we are organising a workshop in Bonn in February where also young candidates can present their research or their ideas for prospective projects at doctoral and postdoctoral level. The cluster will also advertise Postdoc posts to head funded research groups. We would also be very interested to involve senior international scholars in the debate of the cluster in a number of ways (visiting fellows, advisory board etc.).

Please see the attached information. All travel expenses will be reimbursed. Please also feel free to forward the information to other interested parties.

With kind regards,

Julia Hegewald.

Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Professor of Oriental Art History
Head of Department
University of Bonn
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History
Adenauerallee 10
53113 Bonn

Email: julia.hegewald at uni-bonn.de
Tel. 0049-228-73 7213
Fax. 0049-228-73 4042

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