[INDOLOGY] caesarean sections

Rocher, Rosane D rrocher at sas.upenn.edu
Thu Nov 1 15:20:44 UTC 2018

Dear Allen,

Thanks.  I was sleepy as well.  His middle initial was I for Irvin, not J., as I wrote.  It is a shame that LC did not preserve his file.  I wish we knew more about him.  With his census of Sanskrit MSS and his Union List of Printed Books, he marks the beginning of an era in Indian studies in North America.  I never knew him, but his teacher, W. Norman Brown spoke of him.  Do you or anyone on the list know the date(s) of his retirement from LC and of his death?  I wish I had asked more questions back in the sixties...


On 11/1/18 10:37 AM, Allen Thrasher wrote:
Dear Rosane,

Thanks for the correction, and my apologies.  I was sleepy.  I am of course intensely aware of Poleman, and a great regret of mine is that the files on his initial purchasing trip to Southern Asia for the Library of Congress, and the chronological file for his entire career there, were not preserv3rd.


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