[INDOLOGY] caesarean sections

Allen Thrasher alanus1216 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 1 01:06:41 UTC 2018

There is an article "Aspects of caesarian section in India" By Horace J. Pole and and Philip Q. Roche in JAOS, Vol. 59, p. 17ff.  I cannot access it from home so can't give a summary.

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  On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 5:26, Robert Leach via INDOLOGY<indology at list.indology.info> wrote:   Dear list members,
I ask on behalf of a friend of mine who works in the history of medicine and has little knowledge of South Asian medical history: can anyone share references to pre-modern (ideally pre-second millennium CE) descriptions of caesarean sections in South Asian literature?
I'd be very grateful for any pointers...
Many thanks in advance!
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