[INDOLOGY] Request

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sun Mar 18 00:56:19 UTC 2018

Dear Colleagues,

     I am looking for a short text composed by Gagabhatta titled
Samayanaya.  Evidently this was published or discussed by P.K. Gode in his
article in the following volume on pages 412-415:

Studies in Indian history and culture;volume presented to Dr. P. B. Desai
... on the occasion of his completing sixty years.Editors: Shrinivas Ritti
[and] B. R. Gopal..
   Dharwar, Prof. P. B. Desai Felicitation Committee, Karnatak University;
[for copies write to the printer: K. E. B's Print. Press] 1971.

I would appreciate if someone has access to this volume and can send me a
scan of these four pages.  Thanks.

Madhav Deshpande
Campbell, California

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