[INDOLOGY] Arabic and Persian Astronomical Manuscripts in Jaipur

jmdelire jmdelire at ulb.ac.be
Sun Feb 25 07:25:58 UTC 2018

Many thanks to Dominik, who is very often the first one (and sometimes 
the only one) to react on mathematical-astronomical matters. Am I wrong 
or does the great majority of Indianists belong to the other "culture" 
(even if I don't believe in that separation) ? Known as "littéraire" in 
French speaking countries, the self-declared appartenance to that 
culture very often conceal a terror of maths, that I see at work every 
day as a math teacher.


Dr Jean Michel Delire,
Professor of mathematics, Haute Ecole de Bruxelles-Brabant
Lecturer on Science and Civilization of India and on History of maths, 
University of Brussels

Le 25.02.2018 02:34, Dominik Wujastyk a écrit :
> ​--
> Professor Dominik Wujastyk [2]
> ​,​
> Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity
> ​,​
> Department of History and Classics [3]
> ​,​University of Alberta, Canada
> ​.​
> South Asia at the U of A:
>  ​sas.ualberta.ca​ [4]
> ​​
> On 22 February 2018 at 15:55, jmdelire via INDOLOGY
> <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Dear Members of the list,
>> I am working in Jaipur Man Singh II Museum these days, in order to
>> see astronomical manuscripts, and I have some difficulties to find a
>> catalogue of their Arabic and Persian astronomical manuscripts. If
>> by any chance, one of the member of the list could have an access to
>> the following article and send me a copy, I would be very grateful.
>> King, David, "A Handlist of the Arabic and Persian Astronomical
>> Manuscripts in the Maharaja Man Singh II Library in Jaipur", Journal
>> for the History of Arabic Science 4 (1980), 81-86
>> Best regards,
>> Dr J.M.Delire,
>> Lecturer on Science and Civilisation of India and on History of
>> Mathematics, University of Brussels
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