[INDOLOGY] Workshop in Early Epigraphy: The Brāhmī Script

Deven Patel deven.m.patel at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 14:10:19 UTC 2018

Dear Colleagues:

I would like to draw your attention to a workshop to be held at Penn in
August 2018.  All who are interested are requested to contact the
organizers directly (emails listed below).


Workshop in Early Epigraphy: The Brāhmī Script

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA.

Aug 20-24, 2018

The *Workshop in Early Epigraphy: The Brāhmī Script* invites applications
for participation in our intensive workshop on South Asia's earliest
inscriptions. Held at the University of Pennsylvania from August 20th to
24th, 2018, this workshop will introduce the Brāhmī script, inscriptional
Prakrit, and the historiography of epigraphical evidence from South Asia.
Beginning with the Aśokan inscriptions, this workshop will consist of three
intensive sessions per day: the first on working with sites, inscriptions,
photographs, and estampages; the second on the language of the Brāhmī
corpus; and the third on situating these texts within the religious,
social, and political history of Ancient South Asia.

The sessions will be facilitated by Jason Neelis (Wilfrid Laurier), Daud
Ali (University of Pennsylvania), Deven Patel (University of Pennsylvania),
and Luther Obrock (University of Toronto).

Course materials, lodging, lunch, and coffee and tea will be provided.
Participants should cover their own travel to Philadelphia. Extra funding
may be available to help defray travel costs. We especially invite graduate
students and qualified advanced undergraduates. Participants should have
intermediate Sanskrit ability at the time of the workshop.

Interested participants should send a brief statement of interest to Dr.
Daud Ali (daudali at sas.upenn.edu) or Luther Obrock (luther.obrock at utoronto.ca

Please do not hesitate to contact either Daud Ali or Luther Obrock if you
have any further questions.

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