[INDOLOGY] Suggestions for improving services of Asiatic Society, Kolkata

Deepro Chakraborty chakrabortydeepro at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 03:48:47 UTC 2018

Hello All,

I was informally asked to give some suggestions for an upgrade of the
services of the Asiatic Society, Kolkata. I never visited their library and
did not have any experience of collecting copies of manuscript materials
from this institute. Some of my friends who were looking for manuscripts in
this institute had pathetic experiences.

The conditions of these south Asian libraries are often similar. Therefore,
some general suggestions would also be useful.

If you have any suggestion for improving their services I would be glad to
forward your message (it can be anonymous if you want) to the authority.

Deepro Chakraborty
PhD candidate
Department of History and Classics,
University of Alberta.

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