[INDOLOGY] Query re reflexes of Skt. gośāla by Arlo Griffiths

Elena Bashir ebashir at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 9 14:54:05 UTC 2018

The word گوٹھ means 'village' in Sindh.  Many villages have this as part of their name.  Also, one of the meanings given for گوٹھ in the Urdu Lughat http://udb.gov.pk/result.php?search=%DA%AF%D9%88%D9%B9%DA%BE  is بستی 'settlement, neighborhood'.

E. Bashir, PhD (Linguistics)

Senior Lecturer in Urdu

Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations

The University of Chicago

1130 E. 59th St., #214

Chicago, IL 60637

Phone:  773-702-8632

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