[INDOLOGY] Online resources for learning Sanskrit

Antonia Ruppel rhododaktylos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 23:58:51 UTC 2018

Dear List,

What are your favourite websites and online resources for learning
Sanskrit? There are so many out there that I would greatly appreciate
recommendations of sites you personally have been using, including sites
that aren't English-medium, and sites that are perhaps more specialised and
less well known. And please don't hesitate to mention your own relevant
personal pages!

Possible categories might include, but of course are not limited to
- learning to write devanāgarī
- morphology (flash cards, good tables, interactive sites)
- vocabulary (good basic lists, flash card collections)
- sandhi
- translation exercises
- full online courses
- sites focusing on non-standard Sanskrit

I will collate your answers and share them in an email to the List.

Many thanks in advance,

Dr Antonia Ruppel

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