[INDOLOGY] K.L.V. Sastri bio data

Krishnaprasad G krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 14:47:06 UTC 2018

I request if any one get in touch or had clue about Chemistry professor
from Duke University, please share the details like his name, contact etc.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 3:02 PM Krishnaprasad G <krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com>

> This is the mail I received from
> gerow at reed.edu 4 years back
> Mr Prasad,
> I woud be interested to know why you have become interested in KLV
> Shastri. I studied Kâçikâ with him in Madras in the early sixties. He was
> then retired, having taught Sanskrit at Presidency College, Madras for many
> years. He is the author of several books on Sanskrit and related topics and
> was honored with several learned titles. He was a close collaborator of V
> Raghavan, then Professor of Sanskrit at the University. If you wish to
> learn more about him I would suggest that you contact one of his sons,
> notably Dr K V Ramesh, formerly Director of the Archaeological Survey, in
> Mysore, or K V Padmanabhan, advocate, in Madras. Another of his sons, whose
> name I have forgotten, taught Chemistry at Duke University for many years.
> His son-in-law, KS Haridasa Bhat, was head of MGM College in Udipi and
> founder (with Shivaram Karanth) of the Yakshagâna Kendra in Udipi.
> Regards,
> Edwin Gerow
> Thanks
> Show quoted text
> On Thu 2 Aug, 2018, 2:59 PM Krishnaprasad G, <krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Play list ends before Raghavendra Charitra
>> On Thu 2 Aug, 2018, 2:57 PM Krishnaprasad G, <krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> He is basically from Karnataka
>>> Udupi  and Madhva brahmin. He was working in Chennai. He died 1962. His
>>> date of birth is not known by his son K V Ramesh whi died 2 years back. One
>>> of his son in laws was a chemistry professor in Mangalore passed away
>>> couple of years back. His daughter in law is still alive in Mysore who is a
>>> wife of K V Ramesh*( K V Ramesh was director in Archeology department and
>>> was honorary director at Mysore orientation Research Inst) Recently I
>>> planned to visit K L V sastry' daughter in law, because I have been
>>> informed that her two daughters currently residing in USA was planning to
>>> shift her to old age home. But I was busy so I couldn't.
>>> K L V sastry full name
>>> K L Vyasaraya or Sometimes Vyasaraja Shastri.
>>> He has written more than 10 Plays
>>> LikeChamunda, Nipunika,Leelavilasa Prahasanam
>>> RaghavendraCharita
>>> Panchatantra sangrah
>>> Mahatma Vijaya on M K Gandhi
>>> Kalidasiya Nataka Katha Manjari. Which is a collection of Kalidasa's
>>> plays  converted to beautiful prose in poets own words.
>>> He used to give satires to Samskrita Pratibha magazine under editorship
>>> of V Raghavan. His many other works are still unpublished are in K V Ramesh
>>> and I had been promised to handed over , unfortunately he died before that.
>>>  I will refer my notes and get back with full details of the other works.
>>> One of his(KLV Sastry) students was Emieatus in USA some university. I
>>> will give his e mail id in next reply by referring my notes.
>>> On Thu 2 Aug, 2018, 1:02 AM Preston, Charles via INDOLOGY, <
>>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>>> Hello List,
>>>> I’m looking or any biographical information on K.L.V. Sastri, the
>>>> Sanskrit scholar and occasional author of modern literature. Just dates of
>>>> birth and death would be very helpful, but any other details (e.g. place of
>>>> birth) would be of interest. Have poured through as much of his material as
>>>> I can find in libraries and have yet to find a detailed bio.  Maybe someone
>>>> out there knew him?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Charles
>>>> Charles S. Preston, PhD
>>>> Teaching Fellow in Religious Studies
>>>> Millsaps College
>>>> prestcs at millsaps.edu
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