[INDOLOGY] Ashokan Pillars' transport

Artur Karp karp at uw.edu.pl
Fri May 19 07:47:31 UTC 2017

Jonathan writes:

> John Irwin wrote about this question somewhere...

Yes, the biblio of his work is given in footnotes nos 1, 4, 5, 6 of Syed
Ali Nadeem Rezavi's paper attached by Nagaraj Paturi.

Thanks, Nagaraj.


Would anyone have access to V. Jayasval's paper mentioned in footnote 28?

"From Resource Exploitation to Final Chipping: A Study of Ancient
Scupturing Processes in Chunar-Varanasi Region", in: Indian Archaeology
Since Independence, ed. K.M. Shrimali, Delhi 1996, pp. 35-44.

Thanks in advance,

Artur Karp


2017-05-19 9:19 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Silk <kauzeya at gmail.com>:

> It's been a very long time and my memory is getting worse and worse, and
> no doubt a colleague can help, but if I am not entirely mistaken John Irwin
> wrote about this question somewhere...
> Jonathan
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Nagaraj Paturi via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> There is a paper presented in the Indian History Congress by Syed Ali
>> Nadeem Razavi avialable for download at https://archive.org/downloa
>> d/AntiquarianInterestsInMedievalIndiaTheRelocationOfPillarsB
>> yFiruzshah/AntiquarianInterestsInMedievalIndia.pdf
>> In which he says:
>> The first question which concerns us in this paper is the problem
>> of how these massive pillars were cut and transported from the place
>> of origin (mainly from quarries of Chunar and Mathura) by Ashoka,
>> their transportation to their new sites and installation therein. The sheer
>> weight and volume of the monoliths would require much labour and
>> use of technological devices.
>> Some light on this issue is thrown by two 14 lh century contemporary
>> sources of Firuzshah Tughluq: the anonymous Sirat-i Firuzshahi and
>> the Tarikh-i Firuzshahi of Shams Siraj Afif.' 2 From both these texts it
>> appears that Firuzshah in September 1367 ordered the use of capstan,
>> pulleys, ropes and padding to remove and refix the pillars and large
>> carts and boats to transfer them by road and river. To quote Afif on the
>> 996 IHC: Proceedings, 70th Session, 2009-10
>> pillar being taken down and prepared for the journey from Topra to
>> Delhi:
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Artur Karp via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>> Dear List,
>>> Has anyone studied - and written on - the mode of transport of Aśokan
>>> pillars out of the quarry in Chunar, dst. Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh?
>>> The Firoz Shah Kotla Pillar (brought by Firoz from Ambala dst., Haryana)
>>> is a sandstone monolith nearly 13 m. in height, and it weighs close to 27
>>> tons.
>>> Regards,
>>> Artur Karp (ret.)
>>> Chair of South Asian Studies,
>>> University of Warsaw
>>> Polska
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>> --
>> Nagaraj Paturi
>> Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
>> Former Senior Professor of Cultural Studies
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> --
> J. Silk
> Leiden University
> Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
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