[INDOLOGY] Question on the word "purapati"

luther obrock luther.obrock at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 15:17:31 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I have recently been puzzling over the Palam Baoli inscription from the
13th of August, 1276 CE. I am particularly interested in the term purapati
as it appears in this verse:

*śrīyoganīpuram iti prathitābhidhāne *

*ḍhillīpure purapati sukṛtī vabhūva |*

*śrīmān aśeṣaguṇarāśir apetadoṣo*

*dhīmān udattamatir uḍḍharanāmadheyaḥ ||13||*

Prasad translates it as "householder" in *The Inscriptions of the Delhi
Sultanate.* I was wondering if anything further could be said of the term,
or if anyone had seen this term in other inscriptions.

Any leads would be appreciated!


Luther Obrock

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