[INDOLOGY] SK XML version 1.1.0 - vArtikas markup added

dhaval patel drdhaval2785 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 15:45:43 UTC 2017

Apologies for cross posting.

Dear all,
Just to keep all of you abreast, we have recently launched new version
v1.3.1 of the XML file.
For those who prefer to see HTML,
https://drdhaval2785.github.io/siddhantakaumudi/ is the location where
latest HTML generated from XML is placed.

There is also an epub file for those wishing to read on ebook reader.

Major changelog is attached below.

For source code - https://github.com/drdhaval2785/siddhantakaumudi/
For bug report / feature request -

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