[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit material on philosophy of education

Tracy Coleman tcoleman at ColoradoCollege.edu
Thu Sep 8 20:34:53 UTC 2016

Hi Toke,

Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism has an entry, "Transmission of Knowledge," that might be helpful.



From: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> on behalf of Toke Knudsen <Toke.Knudsen at oneonta.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 2:11 PM
To: indology at list.indology.info
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Sanskrit material on philosophy of education

Dear all,

A colleague of mine sent me the following question:

"I am teaching a course on education and its objectives. We do a fair bit of philosophy in this course but most of our sources are European. Do you think there are certain Sanskrit treatises (hopefully available in English) which belong in a course on the philosophy of education?"

Would any of you be able to comment on this question?

Best wishes,

Toke Lindegaard Knudsen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
264 Fitzelle Hall
State University of New York at Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

(607) 436-3726 (phone)
(607) 436-2173 (fax)
<toke.knudsen at oneonta.edu>
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